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Sarah Samdani


Sarah Samdani is a senior at Rutgers University––New Brunswick in the Honors College and the School of Arts and Sciences. She is double majoring in Political Science and Criminal Justice and minoring in Psychology. Along with being Editor-in-Chief of the Eagleton Political Journal, Sarah is an Eagleton Undergraduate Associate, President of the Rutgers Women’s Political Caucus, and Social Media Chair of the Rutgers Women’s Pre-Law Society. She also served on RUSA’s first Judicial Council and has competed on the Rutgers Mock Trial Team. She is a Scarlet Summer Service in D.C. recipient for their inaugural cohort and a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha, and Alpha Phi Sigma. Her interests in the court system, criminal law, politics, and civil rights have led her to pursue opportunities with CAIR, EMILY’s List, her county’s prosecutor’s office, a congressional campaign, and more. In her free time, she enjoys reading fiction and biographies, making posts for her Legal Lessons Instagram account, and exploring different coffee shops.